We are very grateful for our Community of Support we have received this year. Since our founding in January 2020 we have made much progress. We could not have done it without all those mentioned below. It does take a village!
Grateful for Our Space
We are grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with the Lewis Palmer School District (D38) on bringing in work-based experiences in technology, engineering and entrepreneurship industries. With this collaboration is the offer of space in the Grace Best Education Facility, the East Rooms. We could see this in our vision and welcomed the opportunity to bring Bearbotics into this shared space to provide them a home, a Bear Cave. Thank you, D38 and Bearbotics, for your collaboration and shared space!
Making It a Home
One of the first things we were able to do with the help of the Bearbotics team was to make the space a home for both of us. A Painting Party was hosted over a weekend in October. We received credits and donations from both Home Depot and Ace Hardware that provided us with enough paint to provide a fresh look for all the rooms. Thank you, Coach Hinkle, for coordinating and planning the event! Thank you, Home Depot and Ace Hardware, for the paint and supplies! Thank you to the Bearbotics team, Coaches, Mentors and parents for your time and painting to give the space a fresh look!
The Conversion
But first was to convert this space into a viable option for tools like 3D printers, mills, CNCs and high-end tech for engineering design, graphic design and machine learning. All with minimum effort and low cost as it is to be a temporary space. We had a plan for the space, but very limited money. This is where Matt Middleton, as a Coach to the Bearbotics, but more importantly an expert and manager of construction projects with FlintCo, stepped in to help pull resources together to the changes needed. We are thankful for Colorado Doorways’ donation of a door and frame to offer us a pass thru between the two main areas. We are thankful for ICI for making an opening and installing the door frame. We are thankful for Encore Electric for installing power in the workroom and installing EXIT signs to light the way to safety in case of emergency. Thank you, Matt Middleton, FlintCo, Colorado Doorways, ICI and Encore Electric!!
Furnishing and Equipping the Space
A donation of tables came from Pikes Peak Makerspace with a purchase of chairs from a church provided us the capabilities for meetings and table space to work. With donations from Techno Chaos like 3D printers, refrigerator, monitors and gadgets the space started to look like a technology workspace with the capabilities for team meetings in-person or remote. We appreciate all the custom built-ins, mounting of whiteboards, mounting of monitors and a bulletin board by Bearbotics Coach Hinkle. We know many of the mentors and Coach Middleton were involved in much of this with Coach Hinkle. Thank you, Techno Chaos, Pikes Peak Makerspace and the Bearbotics Coaches and Mentors, for getting the space furnished and usable for us all!
And how do you expect to support engineering, technology and entrepreneurship without some tech-enablement such as the internet! Simple Computer Repair in Monument has been readying the space with cable for internet capabilities. They have been working closely with Force Broadband to offer us internet capabilities for businesses that want to use the space for their projects and for internships. Thank you, Simple Computer Repair and Force Broadband!
There is still much to do in equipping the space for engineering and technology projects. Our goal is to provide industry experiences in these fields for students. We appreciate the grant from the Monument Hill Foundation and a donation from Mike Hinkle to get us started on this path. We will be looking into deals over the next few months to make the most of their funds. Thank you, Monument Hill Foundation and Mike Hinkle, for your funding!
In a Time of COVID
COVID has brought many changes in how things operate. As an organization that provides shared space, equipment and resources COVID can provide a challenge. But these challenges are nothing new to makerspaces. In the Pikes Peak region we are lucky to have maker resources such as the Pikes Peak Makerspace, Manitou Art Center, Pikes Peak Library District’s (PPLD) Library 21c and PPLD’s network of Creative Services. And now Monumental Impact. All four of us have been gathering together monthly for Makerspace Collaborations since COVID. These sessions have helped enable Monumental Impact and formed many of our policies for a safe operating environment, especially in these times of COVID. Thank you, Pikes Peak Makerspace, Manitou Art Center and PPLD’s Creative Services, for your time, expertise and collaboration!
Providing Experiences
Our mission is to enable and support high school students in technology, engineering and entrepreneurship with experiences and community. As we have made strides to make our space ‘open for business’ we are grateful to those mentioned above that have gotten us here. We are also grateful to those below that have been with us in the beginning to collaborate on work-based experiences to offer students. Thank you, Pikes Peak Business & Education Alliance, D38, Tri-Lakes Cares, Triad Engineering, Colorado Technology Consultants, Techno Chaos, Simple Computer Repair, Hydration & More and the Tri-Lakes Chamber of Commerce. We are off to a great start!
We look forward to building the buzz in the air for students to be inspired in career pathways in technology, engineering and entrepreneurship. Are you a business or mentor that could help us build that buzz?