“Robot Chaos” is the robot combat competition that will happen during The MITEE Gobble Squabble event on Saturday, November 23rd, 2024. This event will feature Antweight class robots (weighing 1.0 lbs/453.0 grams or less). Rookies are welcome, especially in the Plastic Antweight class. Need help building a combat robot for this event? See “Resources” section below.
Combat Classes:
- Antweight Open Class (12 robots)
- Plastic Antweight Class (12 robots)
- The Class sizes listed above may be adjusted based on existing registrations on 11/2/24.
- The Western Allied Robotics rules will apply, including these rules specific to Plastic Antweight robots
Registration is required to participate in Robot Chaos.
- The event will have a modest participation fee.
- Net proceeds from this event support Monumental Impact programs.
- The event will be posted soon on RobotCombatEvents,
- To be notified when registration will be available, we recommend subscribing to our newsletter or monitoring for a post on the Colorado Combat Robotics Club.
- Matches will be coordinated with FIRST Tech Challenge (FTC) robotics scrimmage matches also happening at The MITEE Gobble Squabble.
- Here’s the overall schedule:
- 8-9am: Competitors check-in
- 8-10am: Inspections
- 10am-5pm: Matches
- Strategies & Techniques for Small-Scale Combat Robots offered by Mike Hinkle.
- Guidance covering the design and build of Plastic Antweight combat robots (by Techno Chaos)
- Excellent resource: “Beetleweight Combat Robot Design Handbook” by Peter Garnache / Repeat Robotics
- Excellent resource: “Know Your Combat Robots” by Peter Garnache / Repeat Robotics
- Good overview of Antweight and Beetleweight kitbots (note: the cited prices are very out-of-date in 2023): “Combat Kitbots” by Peter Garnache / Repeat Robotics
- Another good overview of small combat robot design: “How to Build a Combat Robot” by D. Grant
- The ultimate comprehensive guide: “RioBotz Combot Tutorial” by Marco Meggiolaro (includes all the principles and math, but is oriented toward larger robots and is falling behind on new technologies; you can buy a printed copy on Amazon)